The following is a list of unclaimed refunds of member security deposits. Information concerning the property may be obtained by any person possessing an interest in property by addressing an inquiry to Mountain View Electric Association, PO Box 1600, Limon, CO 80828, or (800) 388-9881.
The Colorado Unclaimed Property Act requires that any abandoned property escheat to the State if it remains unclaimed by the owner for more than 1 year. Mountain View Electric Association directs all unclaimed property to the Colorado Energy Assistance Foundation.
Alberti, Robert G
An, Seung Hwan & Jung Kim Hyan
Anderson, Eve
Ayala, Accel
Bailey, Taylor
Barber, Melissa
Barela, Lesha
Beemer, Richard
Bell, Kelly & King, Christopher
Berrena, Makayala C
Best, Larry & Lila
Big Sky Operating LLC
Bishop, Jeri
Bixler, Tami
Booth, Frank
Born, Michael
Bowers, Ray
Bradley, Tyler
Brooks, Dillon
Brown, Charles E
Brown, Denise & Kyle
Brown, Ivan D
Butler, Adam
Campbell, Connie
Campbell, Frank
Carlson, Casey D
Carpenter, Tyler Anthony
Caviness, Joshua R
Clanton, Christopher R
Clark, Laura
Clifton, Brienne
Cofield, Jammie & John
Colon, Angel L
Concepcion, Luis A
Cook, Michael
Dabbs, Theresa
Dao, Ly
Davis, Jeremiah
Davis, Olivia I
Davis, Onen
Dimaggio, Robert & Janice
Dirmansyah, Brandi
Dock, Faith
Elliott, Erin & Scott
Escobedo, Christopher
Estrada, Alberto
Evans, Janessa
Finley, Sade T
Flores, Ellison
Frank, David F
Frantz, Charles
Freeman, Derek
Fucile, Andrew D
Galvan, Israel & Guadalupe
Galves, Milton
Gamble, Cory R
Garcia, Alejandro
Gibbs, Kalena
Golston, Alex
Gonzales, Jose
Gonzalez, Angel & Gonzalez
Goyette, Sierra Leugh
Green Renovations LLC
Guimarais, Diogenes Manual
Harris, Walter A
Hawthorne, Antoria
Hedger, Justin
Hernandez, Jorge A
Hurtado, Karel Lopez
Ivey, Janice
Jenkins, Kimberly
Keller, Jen
Kryder, John L
Kuber, Patrica
Ladd, Shella Jane & Michael A
Liu, Fangqin
Loera, Michael
London, Heather
Lopez, Adan S
Lopez, Jimmy
Lopez-Nunez, Jose A
Lowder, Devin D
Lugo De La Vega, Rachel
Mackey, Brandon
Mardock, Barbara
Martin, Raechel
Mauth, Nicholas & Tapia, Karri
Mcdaniel, Emily
Mcgrath, Robert C & Christy
Moore, Michelle
Moran, Rafael
Morgan, Connor
Mounger, Michael Ryan
Murray, James
Nekl, Laura
Newman, Brad & Emily
Obrien, Sarah
Palm, Nathaniel
Pena Rodriguez, Maria
Phan, Luan
Pollauf, Maureen
Price, Dennis
Ragsdale, Brianna
Ramos, Ricardo & Abigail
Read, Brandon D
Rebovich, Casey
Reece, Lance
Roark, Jaycen
Roldan, Mynor
Ross, Erika & Gallegos, Chris
Rowell, Sophia M
Rowell, Tiffany
Sanchez, Francisco
Sellers, Amber
Sickles, Drew C
Slaughter, Judy
Smiley, Candace
Soto, Jose
Stallings, David
Steuer, Susanna
Stewart, Brian K
Sundby, Dan
Thompson, Anthony
Tokalija, Mara
Vigil, Nicholas P & Nicole
Wharton, Jessica
White, Beverly
Will Cee Smart LLC
Winstead, John A
Wood, Weston
Wynne, Shea
Zelaya, Christopher
Zeller, William E & Katrina