If Your Power Goes Out
Instructions on How to Check Your Fuses or Breakers (PDF)
If you have determined that your home is out of power:
Report the outage in SmartHub.
Turn off or unplug any appliances you were using when the power went out.
Leave just 1 light on so you know when power is restored.
Disconnect sensitive electronics to avoid damage.
Obtain current outage information through the Outage Map.
Report an Outage
SmartHub® Notifications
Enroll in MVEA’s SmartHub outage notifications today!
How to Enroll in SmartHub Outage Notifications
Call Us!
To report an outage over the phone call (800) 388-9881.
Restoring Power
Restoring power during inclement weather or after a large accident can be a big job. MVEA maintains a 24-hour, 365 day-a-year on-call crews.
If you lose power, be assured we’re working as quickly and safely as possible to get your lights back on.