Nearly 300 people attended Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.’s (MVEA) 77th Annual Meeting of Members on June 7, 2018 at the Calhan School. Attendees enjoyed dinner, information booths, prize drawings, and the MVEA business Meeting. While the location of the Annual Meeting changes each year, selected by the Board of Directors and rotating throughout the MVEA service territory, the purpose of the meeting remains the same: to take care of the important business of the electric cooperative and the equally important business of building a real sense of community.
This year there were three districts where Board of Directors’ three-year terms were up for election: District 1, Joseph D. Martin; District 4, Milton L. Mathis; and District 6, Barry R. Springer. Each district was uncontested and each incumbent director was reelected for a new term. Education chair Barry Springer gave a report on the $14,000 in scholarships awarded this year. Board President Joe Martin and Chief Executive Officer Jim Herron gave their reports on the state of the cooperative that included highlights of MVEA’s capital credits retirement program as well as MVEA’s continued growth due to new construction, dedication to serving the co-op community, and MVEA’s energy efficiency efforts. Special employee recognition was given to Dean Coonts for his 40 years of serving MVEA’s members.
Throughout the meeting, door prizes provided by MVEA; Tri-State Generation and Transmission, power supplier; Foothills Energy, a MVEA construction contractor; and from electrical supply cooperative Western United Supply. In addition, the four winners of MVEA’s $500 Whole Home LED Giveaway were announced: Ronald & Michelle Carr of Peyton, Thomas & Jeanette Cole of Elbert, Tim & Janet Schulte of Monument, and Darlia Simmons of Calhan.
The annual meeting provides us with a unique opportunity to ask attendees for their opinion through an interactive polling session. Presentation slides and polling results from Annual Meetings are available by visiting the Annual Meeting section on MVEA’s website. Mark your calendars! MVEA’s 78th Annual Meeting of Members will be held June 6, 2019 in Monument.
MVEA’S 77th Annual Meeting of Members Brings Co-op Community Together (PDF)