Barry R. Springer

Vice President

District 6

(Board Member since January 2009; re-election year is 2027)

Mailing Address

11450 Meridian Road
Falcon, CO 80831

Statement of Position

“Ensuring reliability and affordability of our future electric power system is one of our most important tasks.  As we transition to greater reliance on renewable energy, we may benefit from reduced energy costs.  But, during a severe weather event such as a polar vortex, wind and solar generation may become unreliable and inadequate to meet increased power demands created by such an event.  We must be forward thinking and innovative in designing and building reasonable cost and highly dependable backup power capacity to ensure reliability.  And, as electricity plays a more prominent role in our lives, we must develop innovative new rate designs to accommodate EV charging and home solar and battery installations that enable members to manage their energy use to achieve lowest possible cost.  My goal is to ensure that MVEA members continue to be served with safe, reliable, and affordable electric power, consistent with responsible environmental stewardship.”

Board Experience

MVEA Director and Board Vice President, Colorado Rural Electric Association Director, and Tri-State Generation & Transmission contract committee member.  Earned NRECA Board Leadership and Director Gold certifications – highest level cooperative governance qualification. Previously Director and Treasurer for Falcon Fire Protection District and Chair of Lockheed Martin Program Manager Certification Board.


Earned Master’s degree in electrical engineering, Professional Engineer license and holds U.S. Patents for electronic systems.  Served a 28-year Air Force career as Space Operations Director for the National Reconnaissance Office, Commander of GPS Master Control Station, Vice Commander of Schriever AFB Space Wing, and served in Headquarters U.S. Air Force and Office of Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon, retiring as a Colonel.

Membership/Community Service

Public Utilities representative on Colorado legislative task force protecting utilities infrastructure, El Paso County Election Judge and volunteer with Black Forest environmental slash-mulch operation.

Barry Springer Earns NRECA Director Gold Credentials

2016 – Barry Springer, Mountain View Electric Association board vice president, has been awarded the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s (NRECA) top Director Gold credential. Mr. Springer is amongst the first group of recipients in the nation to receive this distinction.

According to the NRECA, the Director Gold credential is geared towards directors who are committed to continuing their education beyond the Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate and the Board Leadership Certificate, and who desire a tangible credential that reinforces their stature as part of an elite group of experienced and educated directors.

The credential will also demonstrate to co-op members and other stakeholders, those directors’ ongoing commitment to advancing their knowledge and performing their fiduciary duty to the best of their ability