Tree Trimming

MVEA Trims Trees For Safety & Reliability

When tree limbs grow too close to power lines, they can cause damage or interrupt your electric service. If growing too close, they could also create a safety hazard to you, your neighbors, or children who like to climb trees. Mountain View Electric Association (MVEA) tree trimmers work diligently to ensure reliability.

In addition to MVEA crews, Asplundh Tree Expert, LLC and Arbol Tree Service & Landscaping, LLC have been contracted to help with tree trimming and brush removal in the MVEA easements

Active Tree Trimming & Brush Removal In Progress Throughout MVEA’s Service Territory

We know that tree trimming and brush removal within electric utility easements may not sound like something to get excited about. But, when you see crews in your community creating tree and brush “no-grow zones” around electric infrastructure, it is proof positive that Mountain View Electric Association is taking proactive measures to maintain a safe and reliable electric distribution system.

  • Cleared electric utility easements help prevent power outages and blinks, while playing an important role in wildfire mitigation efforts — all reasons to appreciate a clear path for electric lines.
  • Members served by underground lines may see contractors working in the area, while members served by overhead lines may receive a crew visit if trimming or removal is required.
  • Any tree or brush in the MVEA easement that poses a safety or reliability threat to existing electric infrastructure and future fiber broadband infrastructure may be trimmed or removed.
  • Trimming and removal efforts occur within the electric utility easement — typically along roadways that can also include front, back, and side lot lines of a property — where distribution poles are installed.

Keeping electric lines and infrastructure clear of trees and brush is essential for safe and reliable electric service.


A primary cause of power outages is trees contacting power lines. MVEA makes every effort to provide you with safe and reliable electric service. To provide this, it is necessary to trim trees when they are located too close to power lines.

  • Trees are routinely trimmed around MVEA overhead electric distribution lines and, as required, or if requested by an individual property owner, around the service wires up to the MVEA meter location.
  • Hazardous trees can be trimmed outside of utility easements, upon request. The trimmings (slash, branches, limbs, or other debris) from trees outside of the utility easement will be the member’s responsibility.

MVEA has the right, within public or private rights-of-way and easements, to trim trees and otherwise remove obstructions that:

  • Are in violation of National Electrical Safety Code requirements.
  • May prohibit safe, efficient operation, or restrict safe access to electrical facilities.

Trees & Power Line Safety

  • Do not allow children to climb or play in any tree located near a power line.
  • Electric wires may be concealed in the trees or shrubs you want to trim.
  • Before you trim trees or shrubs, inspect the area carefully to ensure that it’s clear of wires.
  • Contact with the wires could result in severe injury or death.
  • Especially during damp weather, electrical shock can occur when a person touches a tree that is touching a wire. (It is not necessary to actually touch the wire itself to sustain a serious or even fatal electric shock.)

What Trees Are Members Responsible For?

  • MVEA provides tree clearance along our lines to the meter location.
  • All lines beyond the meter location belong to the member, and tree clearance on those lines is the member’s responsibility.
  • MVEA recommends hiring a professional, line-clearance-certified tree contractor when trimming trees near power lines.
  • If there is a safety concern, MVEA can de-energize the service so your contractor can perform the work safely.
  • If limbs or branches are touching the electric wires on your home, or if you suspect a danger exists, please contact us for an evaluation of the situation.

Before Planting Trees

  • Look up! Consider the mature size of the tree.
  • Trees that will mature over 15 feet in height should be planted well outside the right-of-way corridor to avoid future contacts with the power lines.
  • Additional information about planting the right tree in the right place, provided by Safe Electricity.

Don’t forget to call Utility Notification Center of Colorado 811 before you dig!