Welcome to our interconnection and distributed energy resource (DER) application process! We’re dedicated to making the transition to renewable energy sources as smooth as possible for our members. Whether you’re a homeowner, business owner, or community organization, our streamlined application process ensures that you can seamlessly connect your renewable energy resources to our grid.
We aim to provide you with a clear and straightforward guide to navigate the process of connecting your energy resources to our grid. However, if you have any questions about our DER program, please email our DER Team, or call (719) 495-2283.
Review our interconnection process below as you are planning your system to understand how we review your application for approval. If you have your system designed and ready for submission, use the button below.
Interconnection/DER Process Overview:

Interview and research DER companies before signing any contracts. MVEA does not send sales teams out to canvas neighborhoods to sell DER products. Our DER program is driven by member demand, and we work with the companies that our members have selected.
Once you have a system design complete, you may submit an interconnection application and all required documents (Interconnection Application, One line, Site Plan, and Manufacturers Specifications.). MVEA’s team will review your documents for completeness. MVEA will send an invoice to your account. The invoice must be paid in full before MVEA will review the interconnection plans.
Once the invoice is paid, MVEA’s engineering team will screen the proposed system to verify interconnection can be made at your location or if additional upgrades are required. MVEA will send you an authorization letter to begin construction.
Build the DER system and have it inspected by the Pikes Peak Regional Building Department (PPRBD). PPRBD or the authority having jurisdiction will notify MVEA of a passing inspection.
All DER’s are required to set inverter settings compatible with MVEA guidelines. Permission to operate will not be granted until we receive screen shots of the installed inverter settings.
MVEA will conduct a final safety inspection and will email the member and their DER company the Permission to Operate (PTO). Once you receive the email, please turn on your DER system.
Keep in Mind
- MVEA requirements for Interconnection/DER systems. The system must include an A/C Safety/Mechanical Disconnect, with a visual open mechanism and externally operated handle, Square D, DU221RB Safety Switch 240VAC, General Duty, 2-Pole or equal, located outside (cannot be located behind a fence, obstructions, etc.) and it must be accessible to MVEA crew.
- Production Meters are not permitted.
- MVEA does not allow for any equipment to be placed behind MVEA’s meter.
Your Energy & DER System
- If your renewable energy system generates more energy than you use, the excess energy produced is exported into the grid as a credit, called banked usage which is applied to your bill. Banked usage will directly correspond to export settings that are on the system.
- If you use more energy than your renewable system generates, then the grid will deliver power to you.
Systems Eligible for Net Metering Are:
- 10 kilowatts (kW) A.C. for residential rate classes
- 25 kilowatts (kW) A.C. for all rate classes other than residential
- Members cannot participate in the commercial or residential time-of-day rates if enrolled in Net Metering.