Trees & Power Lines

When tree limbs grow too close to power lines, they can cause damage or interrupt your electric service. If growing too close, they could also create a safety hazard to you, your neighbors, or children who like to climb trees. Mountain View Electric Association (MVEA) tree trimmers work diligently to ensure reliability.

  • Electric wires may be concealed in the trees or shrubs you want to trim. Before you trim trees or shrubs, inspect the area carefully to ensure that it’s clear of wires.
  • MVEA has the right, within public or private rights-of-way and easements, to trim trees and otherwise remove obstructions that are in violation of National Electrical Safety Code requirements, or that may prohibit safe, efficient operation, or restrict safe access to electrical facilities.
  • Trees are routinely trimmed around MVEA overhead electric distribution lines.

Please contact MVEA if you notice a tree that may be creating an electrical hazard by:

Filling out the Tree Trimming Request form

  • If you see a tree that is, or may, interfere with our power lines, please contact MVEA or submit a Tree Trimming Request Form.
  • If a tree that is growing too close to the power lines is causing, or may cause a safety hazard, please call our office at (800) 388-9881.