Notice of A Change In The Tariffs – 15.0 Interconnection

Date of Notice: December 1, 2020

Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
1655 5th Street PO Box 1600
Limon, Colorado 80828-1600

You are hereby notified that the above named Association proposes to make the following changes in its tariffs, to become effective January 15, 2021:

Energy Storage Systems has been added to Rule and Regulation 15.0 Interconnection of Consumer Generators: 15.2 Purchase of Electric Output. The Association will purchase all power, energy, or both made available to the Association (1) by Consumer-Generator (members) with residential class service from interconnected electric generating resources where the total nameplate generating capacity connected at one meter location is 10kW or less; or (2) by members with commercial or industrial class service from interconnected electric generating resources where the total nameplate generating capacity connected at one meter location is 25kW or less; or (3) by any member with residential class service from interconnected electric storing resources where the total nameplate storage capacity connected at one meter location is 10kW or less.

Energy Storage Systems was added to the sections involving interconnection requests for systems larger than 2MW and systems 2MW or smaller. An agreement was added for non-exporting generating systems. Generating Resources is defined as any Consumer-Generator (member) that uses solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, energy storage system, or any other energy source.

The proposed and present tariff provisions are available for examination and explanation at each business office of this association, 1655 5th Street, Limon, CO 80828 or 11140 E. Woodmen Road, Falcon, CO 80831 or by calling (800) 388-9881.

Anyone who desires to comment on the proposed change will file a written response with the Association at 1655 5th Street, P O Box 1600, Limon, Colorado 80828, no later than twenty (20) days from the date of this notice. The Association may hold a hearing, to consider the comments and determine whether the proposed change will be authorized. Anyone who desires to receive notice of hearing, if any, will make written request therefore to the Association, at the above address, no later than twenty (20) days from the date of this notice.

Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
By: Jim C. Herron
Chief Executive Officer

Notice of A Change In The Tariffs (PDF)