MVEA Members Give $3.3 Million Back to the Community

MVEA Members Give $3.3 Million Back to the Community - July 2024 CCL CEO Article

By Ruth Marks, MVEA CEO

Ruth Marks, MVEA CEO

Pennies add up to great things when you participate in Operation Round Up®. I am proud to provide our annual spotlight on a Mountain View Electric Association program that shows how much we can accomplish when we work together to help our co-op communities and members in need.

Through the generosity of members who round up their electric bill to the nearest dollar, MVEA is able to give back over $100,000 each year to the co-op community through Operation Round Up. Operation Round Up is a community-focused program, unique to electric co-ops, that assists charitable organizations, communities with special needs, and MVEA co-op members who have suffered from loss, personal disaster, or medical emergencies.

The average member contribution is 50 cents a month or $6 per year, but members never donate over $11.88 per year. This amount may not seem like much, but when multiplied by the nearly 27,000 MVEA accounts that are enrolled in the program, the fund can turn a little bit of spare change into a BIG difference. How big? Over $3.3 million dollars has been distributed through the fund since its inception in 1999. That is a tremendous amount of change going towards the greater good.

Out of respect for privacy, we don’t name MVEA members who apply for Operation Round Up funds, but these grants have been vital in helping our friends and neighbors recover from hardships. In addition to helping individual co-op members through times of hardship, the fund plays an important role in assisting charitable organizations. Here are some recent examples to illustrate how far our pennies can go to make a difference:

  • Disability Services Inc. (dba Envida) offers transportation services that are vital for healthcare access for underserved populations with mobility and disability considerations.
  • Eastern Plains Community Pantry, Tri-Lakes Cares, the Fresh Start Center, and other local pantries use funds to help stave off hunger and food insecurity.
  • The Lions Club of Calhan uses funds to provide families in need with school clothes to ensure that children can start the school year feeling and looking confident.
  • Sarah’s Home and the Daniel Academy provide a safe home for minors who are survivors of trafficking and abuse.

While the amount given back to the co-op community and the number of members who participate is a great point of pride for MVEA, in recent years we have seen participation decline a bit. We know that as the cost of living increases, or participating members move out of our service territory, program participation is impacted. If you are not currently enrolled in the program and feel compelled to join the cause, opting into the program is an easy process. Simply log in to your SmartHub® account and check a box or call MVEA and one of our Member Service Representatives will be happy to help.

While we can help you opt-in to the program, MVEA is not involved in the distribution or awarding of funds. The program is administered by a volunteer Operation Round Up Board of Directors, which is an independent board of community leaders that grant funds according to the program’s policies. Funds collected stay right here in MVEA’s service territory and are used for the benefit of our members. The program is always voluntary, and members may opt out of contributing at any time.

In closing, I want to personally thank the MVEA members who round-up their bill through Operation Round Up. I also want to encourage members to opt-in to help your co-op community or to apply for a grant if you are in need.

To learn more about Operation Round Up or to join other members in rounding up your bill, visit