Mountain View Electric Association Announces First Phase Of Fiber Broadband Construction

September 2021

— Over 16,500 members in portions of Black Forest, Colorado Springs, Falcon, and Limon are expected to have high-speed fiber internet access upon Phase One completion —

Falcon, CO – Mountain View Electric Association (MVEA) and fiber broadband partner, Conexon Connect (branded Connect, powered by Mountain View Electric Association), are eager to announce that the first phase of their high-speed fiber broadband project construction has begun. Members will receive notification as the project nears their specific neighborhoods. It is anticipated that initial members will have access to fiber broadband as early as the second quarter of 2022, but the entirety of MVEA’s membership will have broadband access when the build is complete.

We know all our members would like to be the first to access broadband. After thoughtful consideration, we’ve decided to start in the communities served by the substations near our Falcon and Limon offices. This construction path will benefit the whole of our membership as it will increase MVEA’s technology infrastructure and provide a better backbone for our smart-grid technology. Even though we’ve begun the first phase in these areas, we want to reassure our members this project will reach 100% of MVEA’s co-op territory with fiber internet upon completion. This fiber infrastructure will be member-owned, just like the other assets of the cooperative, and will be a secure line of communication, which will pass by every member’s home and business – not just those located in highly populated areas.

Members are welcome to pre-register for fiber broadband, and stay up to date on construction and project updates, by visiting Connect, powered by Mountain View Electric Association.

There are several stages to the fiber broadband construction process as the network is deployed in each area. The cooperative is currently undergoing an easement perfection process before construction. Members can expect to see contractors preparing the system for fiber construction during the initial stages. Following the initial make-ready engineering and make-ready construction process within each area, construction will commence, and fiber will be placed on existing poles or underground, following the electric grid. There are several steps between the fiber construction and connecting homes and businesses, but MVEA and Conexon Connect, are committed to launching and deploying the nearly 5,800-mile fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) network to 100% of MVEA members who will then have a choice to sign up for service.