2 of Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.’s (MVEA) Board Members, Donna J. Andersen-Van Ness, MVEA assistant secretary and Board of Directors District 7 representative, and Milton L. Mathis, MVEA board secretary/treasurer and District 4 representative, have earned the National Rural Electric Association (NRECA) Director Gold Credentials, the highest credential an electric cooperative board member can receive.
According to the NRECA, the Director Gold credential is geared towards directors who are committed to continuing their education beyond the Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate and the Board Leadership Certificate, and who desire a tangible credential that reinforces their stature as part of an elite group of experienced and educated directors.
The credential also demonstrates to cooperative members those directors’ ongoing commitment to advancing their knowledge and performing their fiduciary duty to the best of their ability.
Mrs. Andersen-Van Ness and Mr. Mathis are joining fellow MVEA Director, Barry R. Springer, District 6 representative, who previously received his Gold Credentials. Showing their commitment to serving MVEA members at the highest level, Andersen-Van Ness, Mathis and Springer plan to take continuing director credits through the NRECA education programs in order to maintain their gold status.
2 MVEA Board Members Earn Gold Credentials from National Rural Electric Association (PDF)