General DER and Net Metering FAQ’s
Required documents: Interconnection Application, One line, Site Plan, and Manufacturers Specifications.
Net Metering measures the energy:
- Used from MVEA (the grid)
- Excess generation from your renewable system that is exported to the grid
Fill out this form and we’ll let you know if interconnection is available
Submit A Pre-Application RequestYour DER system must not exceed the A.C. export amounts listed below for your rate class
- 10 kilowatts (kW) A.C. for residential rate classes
- 25 kilowatts (kW) A.C. for all rate classes other than residential
Yes, you may install a DER system larger than 10kW AC , however, you will not be eligible for MVEA’s net metering program. For more information on our net metering program please read the 20.42 Net Metering Rate (PDF).
Yes, you may install a DER system larger than 25kW AC , however, you will not be eligible for MVEA’s net metering program. For more information on our net metering program please read the 20.42 Net Metering Rate (PDF).
Many factors contribute to a grids export capacity such as system loading, voltage levels, system protection, and power line construction. Any existing interconnected DER’s and the location of the proposed DER will also affect export availability on the grid.
If you have any questions about our DER program, please email our DER Team, or call (719) 495-2283.